Tuesday, 30 July 2013

LP Kloy HoonPaYon Ta Pa Kaw

Hoon Payon Ta Pa Kaw "Maha Wet" + "Maha MongKong" (1st batch), Luang Phor Kloy, 254

The format of HoonPaYon Ta Pa Kaw
- 4 element Yant on top of the right and left thigh. 4 element is Na Ma Pa Ta (soil, water, blow, fire). 
- Heart of Ta Pa Kaw Yant on Hoon Payon with white auspicious thread (string) or red auspicious thread (string). 
- There is Na-See yant or Om on this amulet. This sign is on right shoulder of Hoon Payon. Image of Hoon Payon is an old man which signify penance, power, great kindness and protection. 


This Hoon Payon amulet was blessed by many holy monks by 3 ceremonies. 

The first ceremony on 21 October 2005 at ChudTanBunPot Cave by 9 holy monks of Wat Khao Or.

The second ceremony, LP Kloy blessed this batch for 3 months at Wat PukalThong. 

The third ceremony by LP Kloy. Ceremony known as Ahpsuriyun-Ahpjunta, a Buddhist spell ceremony.

The Procedure:

The procedure to bless a Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kaw" is not easy , the amulet needed to be chant in eight direction for "cleansing" purpose , after the amulet is cleanse , the chanting of the 32 parts of the body to make it come alive and turn into "Hoon Payon".

Hoon Payon that is well bless also have four elements "Tecco Pathavi Vayo Appo" , Earth water wind and fire. Same like all things in the world that consist of this four elements.

Hoon Payon with real "life" will foresee and protect wearers with it's scared powers from danger and sometimes wearers will also feel uneasy like six sense too (pray to the amulet you are wearing will help).

LP Kloy uses "vicha" to match all 32 parts of Hoon Payon so that it will come to "life" and see and feel and to protect. If use in home it will protect the house using it's supernatural power according to LP Kloy.

The Image of Pra Lersi "Phoo bampenprot" in the Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kaw" is a very great Teacher in the past with vast knowledge of "vicha".

LP Kloy learnt his Hoon Payon Vicha from both Wat Khao Or and LP SaNga. 

RED Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kao"

Uses "I Ti Rid" (Need to do more practise) magic regarding protection of dangerous people that is going to hurt you or people who have ill intention to hurm you.

WHITE Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kao"
Uses "Boon Ya Rid" (Need to do more merits) regarding metta and selling , protection of interest and profit. 

The Red Have "ITIRid" meaning power of supernatural and The White have "BoonYaRid" meaning Puttakun power of Dharma.

The sacred objects ("Loha" and Yants 108) use to make Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kaw" are from Teachers of LP Kloy (LP SaNga Wat Ban Moh RatchBuri and LP Eiat and Teachers from Wat Khao Or).

Sacred Spell "Na Ma Pa Ta" on both side of the Leg and the "Jon ga ben" wrap around his Leg uses 7 strings meaning of "Sang Vi Cha Pu Ga Ya Pa". After That dip with 7 "bai mai" that do not "sleep" , "Bai Taan , Bai Lan , Bai Kanon , Bai Koon , Bai Payung , Bai Rak , Bai Jan".

The first batch Hoon Payon "Ta Pa Kaw" have code on the right shoulder meaning "Ohm". and do not have numbers behind the back

Overall Hoon Payon help the owner in Business or career, Bodyguard-High Protection from evil - black magic, Attract important people of higher power, Bring great auspicious, Look after the house or car.

Special: This is Superb 1st Batch HoonPaYon TaPaKaw White Thread Roon 1 (Height 2cm) strongly blessed by LP Kloy himself in years BE2548. This First Batch HoonPaYon is made from sacred Holy Samlit materials and bound with magic White Thread. Additional special soaked Magic Oil on the Hoonpayon to made this Hoon PaYon more powerful (Magic Oil soaked for 1st batch Hoonpayon only). Futhermore, LP Kloy wrote 108 Yant scripted on sheet materials before brought it to melted altogether, featured with LP SaNgah Yant scripted and Magic Yant from Wat Kao Or. This First Batch Hoonpayon was also blessed at “Tham Chan Than BanPot” (sacred cave) of Wat Khao Or.  It is a Holy place where made the amulet power become very strong and Powerful.

Price:  RM 3,388.00 (pair)

LP Kloy HoonPaYon

This is yet another set LP Kloy special batch Super HoonPaYon made for temple's committee member, limited set.  Comes with original temple box.

All HoonPaYon are made with copper, not powder.  Highly recommended for collection and keeping at home for protection and guardian on assets.  Also protection from black magic, deflect negative influences and guard against backstabbers

Selling at RM 1,388.00 per set.

LP Kloy Mitmor - Wat Pukowthong

This set of Mitmor is specially made for temple committee member only, limited set.

This Mitmor set comes with original temple box.

Complete set comes with Bronze, Copper, Silver and Gold plated Mitmor.  Recommended to be placed at your home altar for protection against evil and black magic.

This Mitmor is worth collecting as this is the last set from the temple.  Selling for RM 599.

About Luang Phor Kloy

LP Kloy has been an expert of concentration of mindfulness in Buddhism way. In addition, he strongly studies in Visha (magic) and making efficacious amulets from LP Ied of Wat Kow Or who was a very famous guru monk and deep knowledge of Visha and is highly respected in South of Thailand.

Luang Phor Mee Pidta

This very rare piece of Pidta was created by LP Mee of Wat Manwichai, Ayuthaya.

Front of Pidta with LP Mee hair, gold foil takrut below both legs and other holy materials.

Behind with Hanuman.

Highly recommended for Business.  An Archness who has tranced with Lersi told me that this Pidta is very strong power for business and protection.  Personally hand picked by Lersi for me to wear.  This Pidta was given by a friend's father.  Even my cousin who posses fairy eyes can see that this Pidta is good for business.

One and only unit, good condition.  Please call for enquiry.

About LP Mee

Luang Phor Mee is a Keji Ajarn hailing from Wat Manwichai in the province of Ayuttaya. He received visha knowledge from 2 of Thailand greatest gurus of all time, Luang Phor Parn of Wat Bangnomkho and Luang Phor Jong of Wat Natangnok who happened to be close friends.

LP Mee a close disciple of LP Parn, assisted in the making of LP Parn's famous Somdej for 3 years & was subsequently imparted the magical knowledge from LP Parn himself. Luang Phor Mee is highly proficient in his knowledge of Metta, Visha and Vipasana meditation. LP Mee also learnt from other gurus like Luang Phor Jong, Wat Natangnok, Luang Phor Orpasee, Luang Phor Cham of Wat Takong as well as Luang Phor Kob of Wat Tamkao. 

Luang Phor Mee applied the great knowledge from his 2 teachers in creating amulets which explains for his highly efficacious amulets. Many reports covering stories of success and positive experiences linked to the wearers of his amulets including his Phayants and lockets. 

Among the experiences, most notable reports are of Kong Grapan (invincibility) & Metta Maha niyom (Great attraction & popularity) 

Khun Phan Pidta 2544

Khun Phan Pidta

This Pidta is made by Khun Phan (坤潘) in 2544 for Wat Kao Or. This beautiful Pidta has three takrut (gold, silver and bronze) below the legs and with Khun Phan handwritten yant at the back.  One sold and one unit left.  

Khun Phan's amulets are powerful for protection against danger and harms for both physical and spiritual.  He was famous with Jartukam amulets and of course this rare Pidta.  

Highly recommended for people are involved in high risk jobs such as police, contractors/workers, night shift staffs, drivers, stunt man, bodyguards.  Please don't mis-use it for illegal activities as Khun Phan was a great and respected police officers who broke many crime cases and was honored by the Thai King.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013


On last week we - Royal Amulets Troop, did a short visit to HatYai - Songkla province. We visited few Wat and the famous Phra Phrom (4 Faced Buddha). During our visit we even collected some nice bucha and amulets.


During the visit of this WAT, as usual we will take our flower bath. few of us wearing only our underwear and standby sitting side by side. The Abbot of the Wat, Ahjan Pasip is ready for the chanting. Once he start chanting khata, he start pouring those cold flower water to us. It's feels so refreshing. HENG HENG!!!

After our early bath, here starts the sakyant (receive tattoo), but this time it is not ink tattoo but only use oil and the sakyant by Ahjan using a nail.

Above is the Picture of Sakyant by Ahjan Pasip.

After our Sakyant, we receive chanting and Gold paste to our hand and forehead as usual. With these few activities we end our visit to this WAT. Before we left, something catches our eyes, there are some amulets, and we ask arjan and he explain the amulet to us. That amulet is made by ahjan using a variety choosen eart land and other material many years ago. Besides that these amulets is kept under one of the pagodas in the WAT and being khata chanting for many years before taking it out.

Above is the Picture of Phratep Lok Udon - BE2540 - LP Pasip
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300

A lot of Government officers and Local Soldiers in Thailand are carrying these amulets. They believe that carrying this amulet protect them from great danger. One of the great story is that during the Hatyai bombing at Lee Garden, one of the nearby victim actually carrying this amulet and believe that he is safe by this amulet. 


Wat Pha Kor is the first wat that i visited in Thailand many many years back. Ahjan Thong and Wat Pha Kor is where one of our favourite wat because it is near to Malaysia. One of our Royal Amulets' member almost visiting this Wat every quarter of the year.

During these visit, as usual, flower bath is the first thing we do once we reach Wat Pha Kor. After flower bath, chant by the vice abbot of the Wat - Ahjan Nipon Thitiko. Famous with his hand made wooded Palakit. Believe for bringing good business and sales luck.

Royal Amulets - Wat Pha Kor Sacred Items Collections

Above is the Picture of Palakit by Ahjan Nipon - Wat Pha Kor
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM88
* each palakit crafted by Ahjan Nipon also comes with a takrut that is stole inside the palakit - huat huat ah!

Above is the Picture of real Tiger Skin by Ahjan Bert - Wat Pha Kor
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM650 / piece
* each tiger skin made by Ahjan Bert also written very nice khata at the back of the skin. Besides that the tiger skin is belongs to a very mature tiger from Cambodia.

Above is the Picture of Sivalee from Wat Pha Kor
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM250 / piece
* small size, the length of a marker pen. those who interested, we will guide them together with the khata chanting words. Pray and chant the khata every morning during going to work. Very useful for outdoor salesman.

After the 2 Wat visit, we visited the Phra Phrom up above the hill and also the Kuan Yin temple.
During those visits, we happen to get some amulets collection. Below are the collection during this Hatyai Visit.

Royal Amulets - Hatyai Visit Collections

Above is the Picture of Phra Lersi with Tiger Face of BlackMetallic by LP Nen - BE2555 - Wat BanKases ToongSetthi
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300 
* made from brass materials, features 2 silver takrut, and holy materials at bottom. Only 599 pieces being made by LP Nen.

Above is the mini bucha of LP Ngern - BE2545 - Wat Bang Klan
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM500 
* originally from wat bang klan. Believe to be the wealthy god and bring good luck and good life and good business.

Above is LP Tuad amulets - BE2524 - Wat ChangHai
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300 

Above is the mini square Wat of mine. If you need the mini glass praying table as attached please do contact us.
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300 (excluding all the amulets and bucha)
* the bottom is made of light wood board, decorated with different stand, wrap by red carpet. a square glass to cover the full square board as above picture. 

And so end my Hatyai short trip. The next trip is plan to Phattalung!!!!!

Thursday, 11 July 2013



This has been the most popular question among many amulet hobbyists or collectors. Some say it is Maha Thera Sanghajay while some said that it is a fighter…the list goes on and on. In the 1970s, it was illegal to wear an image of Phra Pidta in Singapore, and therefore a negative reputation was casted upon this sacred image by people outside of this amulet circle. It has been perceived that such an amulet with such an image was spurring the bearer to commit crimes and yet not to be caught, to involved in fights but yet little or no danger or hurt will be inflicted upon them. Despite of such, it’s mysteriousness and popularity continued to current times. For example, a beautiful piece of Phra Pidta Ven. LP Kron, Wat Bangsek, can fetch up to one or two millions THB in value and yet there are elite hobbyist or collectors  whom are still searching for it.

Phra means Monk or amulet and Pidta means close eyed. The image of this person closing its face with his palms is a symbolical image of Maha Thera Sanghajay in Sammabart meditation. In Sammabart meditation one will go into deep absorption, as a result jhanas will appear. Usually at high levels of jhana super-normal powers may occur, things like walking through walls or stopping bullet(s) just like it was in the movie when Keanu Reeves in Matrix Trilogy.

If you all heard of the story of a very notorious Gangster in Malaysia in the 1970s, Botak Chin. He cant be capture nor shot by bullets of many cops for many years and they believe that this is because he is wearing a very limited Phra Pidta with him all the time. when he is being captured by the police, that's because on that day he is not with his Phra Pidta amulets. this are some miracles story of Phra Pidta.

Well, for buddhism, we belive that there is no sacred items that can help someone to commit crime. we believe for those who commited crime, eventually they will face the karma no matter how. So remember dont be like Botak Chin and eventually he is sentence to hang to death.

What determines the sacred energies of a Phra Pidta?

  1. The Gaeji Archan. Needless to say, if a Teacher practises more Metta MahaLap, his amulets would be more of such a nature. If he practises more of Kungkhapan, then his amulets would be of Kungkhapan. Of course there are some very well attained Teachers that can consrecate amulets of any nature intended.
  2. The materials. Generally, amulets made from pong/powder or wan/herbs will be more of Metta Mahalap. Leklai, leknampi, or other metals will be more of Kungkhaphan and Klaewkard.
  3. The puthaphisek. The better the puthaphisek, the better the energies, of course. It’s another different and eloborate discussion on how is it considered a good puthaphisek. We will share when the opportune arises.

Royal Amulets - Phra Pidta Collections

Above is the picture of an old and rare Phra Pidta - BE2500 from cambodia temple
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM500

Above is the picture of a very wanted Phra Pidta made by famouse LP See Ngern, Wat Donsala, Phattalung
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM800

Above is the picture of Phra Pidta BE 2528 made by LP Jek, Wat KhaoDang Tawan Oak, Phattalung.
Only 500 big imprints being done and 500 small in print being done
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - SOLD

Tuesday, 9 July 2013


The Legend of Phra Somdej Toh

Somdej Toh was born in 17 April B.E.2331 in the 7th years of Groong Rattanagosin era of King Rama 1st. Even though Somdej To may act rather unfashionably but never capriciously he had been known as a highly eccentric monk. The legend has is that King Rama the fourth favord him a great deal. it was also known that King was a true expert on astrology and astronomy to the extent that he could even predict the solar eclipse in advance. The king together with his son along with the diplematic corps proceeded to WhaKoh in Prachaub and withnessed the solar eclipse - an event which surprised everyone-concerning his ability in mathematical and astrological prediction.

He studied the Buddhist scriptures of the Pāli Canon with several Buddhist masters. After becoming a well-known monk, he became the preceptor for Prince Mongkut, later King Rama IV, when Mongkut became a monk. During Rama IV's reign Somdej Toh was given the ceremonial name Phra Buddhacharn Toh Phomarangsi.

He was noted for the skill of his preaching and his use of Thai poetry to reflect the beauty of Buddhism, and for making amulets call Somdej. The amulets were blessed by himself and other respected monks in Thailand. 

He also appears in many versions of the story of the ghost  Mae Nak Phra Khanong. It is believe that his preaching even subdue the famous lady ghost Nak. 

Royal Amulets - Phra Somdej Collections

Above is Phra Somdej Amulet made by LP Mui - 2512 - Wat Don Rai

Above is Phra Somdej specially made for Thai Navy Soldier. Pray and Kahta chanting by many temples LP and together with Thai King.
To those interested please contact us (012 579 2830/016 203 8595) - RM280

Above is Phra Somdej  made by Chao Kun Noor, Wat Dhepsirin, Bangkok - BE2513
To those interested please contact us (012 579 2830/016 203 8595) - RM1388

Above is Phra Somdej  from Chainat - 2555


The Legend of Luang Phor Thuad

LP Thuad is the Holy Disciple. He begin learning about Buddhism in a nearby temple in his home town Singora at the age of 5. He is very talented and mastered all subjects his teacher could guide him within a year. From time to time he went to other temples over the hill and across the jungle to acquire teaching everyday.

He became a monk at the age of 12 and devoted full time study in Dharma. To learned and study Buddhism further he travel to Ayudthaya, Bangkok where many Pagodas and Learned Monks.

During his journey from Singora to Bangkok, happen a heavy storm and the boat that he and other passengers on board become jolted. here comes the legend where LP Thuad did 2 miracle things.
the first is where he stretched his leg out from the boat and the storm was pacified and the second thing is when he use his leg to drew a circle on the sea and told everyone to draw the water from the circle as drinking water. The boatmen and passengers has tasted the water inside the circle and the water that is out of the circle he drew and the water outside of the drew circle tasted salty. All are amazed and here born the legend of LP Thuad.

Another miracle from LP Thuad is when other neigboring country try to test out the monks achievement in Thai, they brought together with them 84000 words in 12 bowls. These words are to be arrange to form a sutra within a week. LP Thuad are invited to the Palace at the very last minutes and began to arrange the words with closed eyes. After a quarter hours he suddenly told those officers that there are 5 words missing and those officers from neighbouring country are amazed and quickly take out those missing words. Within awhile he arranged the whole words to form a complete sutra and LP Thuad name has become well-known throughout the country. He was looked upon as saintly Buddhist monk in Thai history.

He was the Abbot of the temple in Patani, famous Wat ChangHai. Over hundred of years he practising Buddhism and helping out many people that is in danger without them knowing it. He live till age of 120 years old.

LP Thuad Collection

Above is a bronze made LP Thuad from Wat Putthathiwat - Serial Number 222

Above is LP Thuad made by PoTan Lek himself

Above is LP Thuad made by Ahjan Tim - Wat Changhai - Yr2508-2509 (SOLD)
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM500

Above is another LP Thuad made by Ahjan Tim - Wat ChangHai - Yr2508 (SOLD)
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595)Selling for RM600

Above is LP Thuad from Wat ChangHai
To those interested, please contact us  (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595)Selling for RM200

Monday, 8 July 2013

Phor Than Lek - Kelantan

Phor Than Lek - Part I

The First Great Monk that I'm dedicating to is Phor Than Lek of Wat Ariyakiri, Aril Kelantan.

Phor Than Lek is my grandmother's brother's in law's father, sounds far but we all felt bonded together as a family.  My parents did met with him before and PT Lek was a great monk.  As a monk, PT Lek did not touch money, a young boy ("jong" in Thai) always followed the monk and helped managing the money.  Will write PT Lek story one day...

Do you know...
the reason why you place cup of water on your altar is not for the God to drink (except Kumanthong) but to remind all Buddhists to have heart and soul as pure as water.  Anyway, my Kumanthong(s) love Fanta so much!

My own...

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Welcome Page

Sawadee krup!
To all future Buddhas around the world, welcome to my first blog dedicated to Buddhism, Thai amulets and great monks.  

It all started from...
I was born in Kelantan and have been exposed to many stories of black magics, supernaturals, great healing powers and other unexplainable incidents.  These experiences made me believe that ghosts and Gods do exist.  I've been very cautious specially involving spiritual matters and always wear amulets to protect myself from harm and dangerous.  We are all afraid of things which we can't see.

Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not a superstitious person.  Graduated from IT showed me that science is just the tip of an iceberg and many things can't be proved by it.  My wish that we all be enlighten one day. 

How it was started...
As a buddhist myself (and very fortunate to be one), I love collecting Thai amulets and buchas (statues) many years ago.  Most of them are given by my parents, relatives and friends.  I started hiring Thai amulets 6 years ago and it just keep going.  At fist I've been cheated by seller who sold fake amulets to me (a lot of money too) and I'm glad to learn the lesson, and all the best to him anyway.

What we need...
People always turn to spiritual powers and helps from God when they are in trouble, but in fact all we need is a guidance not solution.  Belief is the reason we wear Thai amulets and it's so obvious that people only wear amulets for 3 things:
1. Boost Wealth and Luck (achievement) 
2. Increase Attraction / Confidence (love)
3. Safety (also health)
Not so far different from Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs eh??  Go figure!

Thai amulets help...
Have you ever wonder how an amulet able to help the bearer in achieving the needs?  Where does the power comes from?  Who's answering your prayer?  The theory is quite simple, I will try to explain in layman.  I'm from IT, remember?  Layman to people is what I do.

When someone is cursing you with foul language, you will feel the pain inside or even angry but that person might not even need to be physically in contact with you yet you feel it.  That is because when you curse, you are expressing your inner anger through the tone of your voice producing negative wavelength and affecting people who hear it.  The result is so strong that it even affect body cells (this is proven by science though). 

The few factors...
The type of sacred materials, chanting and yant used, the monk's blessing are all meant to "inject positive messages" into the amulets.  Some with spirits reside in the amulets.  Just like burning DVD.  You laugh but I think you got it!

The wearer of amulets will be protected by the spirits, Gods, or the fairies because of the yant/chanting.  When in danger, your Thai amulet will be "activated" to prevent or reduce the damage that might happen to you.  Just like a panic button, but works in a mysterious way!

But hey.... it's all about Karma.  Always do good deeds to people.

But how Chanting and Yants works...
I'll talk about that next time if you like to hear it

Kop Khun Krap...
This blog is to share Thai amulets of my own collection, and also for trade.  Your valuable feedback are welcome!  

My own...

Amulets & Buddhism Discussion

Welcome to discuss and share your passions about Thai Amulets.
Please respect the nature of the site and post your thoughts with good manners.
Thank you.