During the visit of this WAT, as usual we will take our flower bath. few of us wearing only our underwear and standby sitting side by side. The Abbot of the Wat, Ahjan Pasip is ready for the chanting. Once he start chanting khata, he start pouring those cold flower water to us. It's feels so refreshing. HENG HENG!!!After our early bath, here starts the sakyant (receive tattoo), but this time it is not ink tattoo but only use oil and the sakyant by Ahjan using a nail.
Above is the Picture of Sakyant by Ahjan Pasip.
After our Sakyant, we receive chanting and Gold paste to our hand and forehead as usual. With these few activities we end our visit to this WAT. Before we left, something catches our eyes, there are some amulets, and we ask arjan and he explain the amulet to us. That amulet is made by ahjan using a variety choosen eart land and other material many years ago. Besides that these amulets is kept under one of the pagodas in the WAT and being khata chanting for many years before taking it out.
Above is the Picture of Phratep Lok Udon - BE2540 - LP Pasip
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300
A lot of Government officers and Local Soldiers in Thailand are carrying these amulets. They believe that carrying this amulet protect them from great danger. One of the great story is that during the Hatyai bombing at Lee Garden, one of the nearby victim actually carrying this amulet and believe that he is safe by this amulet.
Wat Pha Kor is the first wat that i visited in Thailand many many years back. Ahjan Thong and Wat Pha Kor is where one of our favourite wat because it is near to Malaysia. One of our Royal Amulets' member almost visiting this Wat every quarter of the year.
During these visit, as usual, flower bath is the first thing we do once we reach Wat Pha Kor. After flower bath, chant by the vice abbot of the Wat - Ahjan Nipon Thitiko. Famous with his hand made wooded Palakit. Believe for bringing good business and sales luck.
Royal Amulets - Wat Pha Kor Sacred Items Collections
Above is the Picture of Palakit by Ahjan Nipon - Wat Pha Kor
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM88
* each palakit crafted by Ahjan Nipon also comes with a takrut that is stole inside the palakit - huat huat ah!
Above is the Picture of real Tiger Skin by Ahjan Bert - Wat Pha KorTo those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM88
* each palakit crafted by Ahjan Nipon also comes with a takrut that is stole inside the palakit - huat huat ah!
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM650 / piece
* each tiger skin made by Ahjan Bert also written very nice khata at the back of the skin. Besides that the tiger skin is belongs to a very mature tiger from Cambodia.
Above is the Picture of Sivalee from Wat Pha Kor
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM250 / piece
* small size, the length of a marker pen. those who interested, we will guide them together with the khata chanting words. Pray and chant the khata every morning during going to work. Very useful for outdoor salesman.
After the 2 Wat visit, we visited the Phra Phrom up above the hill and also the Kuan Yin temple.
During those visits, we happen to get some amulets collection. Below are the collection during this Hatyai Visit.
Royal Amulets - Hatyai Visit Collections
Above is the Picture of Phra Lersi with Tiger Face of BlackMetallic by LP Nen - BE2555 - Wat BanKases ToongSetthi
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300
* made from brass materials, features 2 silver takrut, and holy materials at bottom. Only 599 pieces being made by LP Nen.
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300
* made from brass materials, features 2 silver takrut, and holy materials at bottom. Only 599 pieces being made by LP Nen.
Above is the mini bucha of LP Ngern - BE2545 - Wat Bang Klan
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM500
* originally from wat bang klan. Believe to be the wealthy god and bring good luck and good life and good business.
Above is LP Tuad amulets - BE2524 - Wat ChangHai
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300
Above is the mini square Wat of mine. If you need the mini glass praying table as attached please do contact us.
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM300 (excluding all the amulets and bucha)
* the bottom is made of light wood board, decorated with different stand, wrap by red carpet. a square glass to cover the full square board as above picture.
And so end my Hatyai short trip. The next trip is plan to Phattalung!!!!!
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