Thursday, 11 July 2013



This has been the most popular question among many amulet hobbyists or collectors. Some say it is Maha Thera Sanghajay while some said that it is a fighter…the list goes on and on. In the 1970s, it was illegal to wear an image of Phra Pidta in Singapore, and therefore a negative reputation was casted upon this sacred image by people outside of this amulet circle. It has been perceived that such an amulet with such an image was spurring the bearer to commit crimes and yet not to be caught, to involved in fights but yet little or no danger or hurt will be inflicted upon them. Despite of such, it’s mysteriousness and popularity continued to current times. For example, a beautiful piece of Phra Pidta Ven. LP Kron, Wat Bangsek, can fetch up to one or two millions THB in value and yet there are elite hobbyist or collectors  whom are still searching for it.

Phra means Monk or amulet and Pidta means close eyed. The image of this person closing its face with his palms is a symbolical image of Maha Thera Sanghajay in Sammabart meditation. In Sammabart meditation one will go into deep absorption, as a result jhanas will appear. Usually at high levels of jhana super-normal powers may occur, things like walking through walls or stopping bullet(s) just like it was in the movie when Keanu Reeves in Matrix Trilogy.

If you all heard of the story of a very notorious Gangster in Malaysia in the 1970s, Botak Chin. He cant be capture nor shot by bullets of many cops for many years and they believe that this is because he is wearing a very limited Phra Pidta with him all the time. when he is being captured by the police, that's because on that day he is not with his Phra Pidta amulets. this are some miracles story of Phra Pidta.

Well, for buddhism, we belive that there is no sacred items that can help someone to commit crime. we believe for those who commited crime, eventually they will face the karma no matter how. So remember dont be like Botak Chin and eventually he is sentence to hang to death.

What determines the sacred energies of a Phra Pidta?

  1. The Gaeji Archan. Needless to say, if a Teacher practises more Metta MahaLap, his amulets would be more of such a nature. If he practises more of Kungkhapan, then his amulets would be of Kungkhapan. Of course there are some very well attained Teachers that can consrecate amulets of any nature intended.
  2. The materials. Generally, amulets made from pong/powder or wan/herbs will be more of Metta Mahalap. Leklai, leknampi, or other metals will be more of Kungkhaphan and Klaewkard.
  3. The puthaphisek. The better the puthaphisek, the better the energies, of course. It’s another different and eloborate discussion on how is it considered a good puthaphisek. We will share when the opportune arises.

Royal Amulets - Phra Pidta Collections

Above is the picture of an old and rare Phra Pidta - BE2500 from cambodia temple
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM500

Above is the picture of a very wanted Phra Pidta made by famouse LP See Ngern, Wat Donsala, Phattalung
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - Selling for RM800

Above is the picture of Phra Pidta BE 2528 made by LP Jek, Wat KhaoDang Tawan Oak, Phattalung.
Only 500 big imprints being done and 500 small in print being done
To those interested, please contact us (012-579 2830 / 016-203 8595) - SOLD

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